Phew!…Mayan Priests to Purify Archaeological Sites after Bush Visit

President’s farts provoke purification rituals by Mayan Priests.

Kidding, but not about the Mayan priests. They will purify sacred archaeological sites after President Bush is finished desecrating them. Does Bush really carry so much bad vibes with him? Apparently so, says Juan Tiney, director of a Mayan nongovernmental organization.

“That a person like (Bush), with the persecution of our migrant brothers in the United States, with the wars he has provoked, is going to walk in our sacred lands, is an offense for the Mayan people and their culture,” Tiney said. (However, the Mayan culture as a whole didn’t have a chance to state their opinion in the Washington Post article…or maybe they DID when the protests went around during Bush’s visit to South America?)

The spirits aren’t expected to follow Bush all the way to the White House and haunt his household. However, the Unnatural Realm is a mysterious realm, so anything is possible.

~ by ih8reality on March 11, 2007.

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